Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's a GIRL!

Todd and I went to my ultrasound yesterday, where we found out that we are having a girl! I was so excited and a little surprised, I thought I was having a boy. Well just goes to show you that we can guess all we want but God's the only one that knows. So after about 45 min. of goop on my belly we got some great pictures of Presley. We don't have a scanner so I will have to put them up later.

I'm leaving for Kauai next week to be in Becky's wedding. I can't believe how fast time is flying. I'm so excited, but a little bummed I have to leave by baby daddy behind :)

1 Comment:

Nicole M said... girl is on her way. I can't wait to meet the girl with the cutest ultra sound picture in the world!!!